Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Two Hours Workout Is Alot?

4 - Charter KOT Word of Life

1 / Come, follow me!

It is Christ who calls us to live this experience.
By choosing to come to Kot the Word of Life, I am committed to putting Jesus at the center of my life fellowship, prayer and study ...

2 / Praise and life in the Spirit

The Holy Spirit, most welcome guest of our souls, our hearts turn to God our Father and His Son Jesus our Lord.
He leads us in praise and wonder. It opens our hearts to share and fellowship.
I make sure to pay attention to the Holy Spirit who speaks to me through the Word of God prayer and my life everyday.
I try to live more in a spirit of praise and thanksgiving.

3 / The Word of God

Love the Word
The Word of God is not a dead letter but a word of love which He addresses to each of us. It leads us to an intimate encounter with God. Loving the Word, love Christ, the Word made flesh.
is why this love is manifested in the veneration and the place that we give our personal lives and in our kot.
I ask the Lord to love His Word more and deeper.

4 / Prayer life

Personal prayer
Personal prayer is the necessary foundation of my life to follow Christ. In
kot, I ensure the loyalty of my daily prayers and devote at least 15 minutes per day.
The day I hardly out of breath and I examine my own prayer life. If I am from that source, I drink myself back promptly.
The oratory is a great place to live my daily prayer. I pray especially
for people that welcomes and meets kot.

Thursday evening
At the Last Supper on Thursday, Jesus gathered his disciples around him to celebrate the Passover. He washed their feet and gave them the commandment of love. He instituted the sacrament of the Eucharist before entering into agony. We also that day, we leave together by Him in one communion.
7:00 p.m. Dinner on Thursday evening
- Please
table - Dining fraternal
- Lessons from a 15aine minutes: Training CD community.
-Share on teaching
9:00 p.m. Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament in the chapel of kot

For dinner Thursday night I'm anxious to regularly invite other young people to share my faith and Christian hope.
I undertake to attend this day of the week, and get involved in the preparation of this mission that my charisma: prayer, worship, hospitality, meals, evangelism and preaching of the Word of God. ...
Sunday evening
time in common prayer and sharing around God's word.

5 / Fraternal Life

Brotherhood in Christ
Our fraternity condition stems from our son and daughters of the beloved Father. In Jesus Christ we are brothers and sisters to live together. We did not choose each other. This choice comes from Christ who has called each Christian to live this experience.

Christ is present in everyone, it shows its face through every brother and every sister. We gradually learns to welcome us with kindness and to esteem each other.

Brotherhood in Christ can lead to true friendship. The friendship then requires a human and spiritual maturity to be lived in harmony with the demands of charity towards all.
Maybe he will take me some time to learn to live these fraternal relations, but with all my heart, I try to discover and maintain the joy of living together.
Friendships made in the kot help me expand my charity. They do not become a drain requirements of communal life. I avoid any attitude of exclusion, merger, possession
... That my good is equal for all, that God is renewed every morning.

Charity Charity is true in the common good.
I search everything that feeds the charity prayer for each other, sharing deep, free, recognition and gratitude ...

Spirit of communion
Our fellowship is built around Jesus Christ. It was he who brought us together in a common call. The mix and differences in state of life, culture, language, age, temperament, ... are seen as an asset.
To build a real communion, I accept with confidence the difference in the other.
I experience happiness humble enrich each other and be enriched by it, to move with him to jointly contribute to the progress of kot.
I am the spirit of division that prevents the growth of the community and can lead to ruin.

We are ready to take time to meet us and try to build unity through fellowship delicacy. Two approaches are suggested to me:
ñ On a personal level: I do not let conflicts escalate. In humility and gentleness, I begin to follow Christ by going find the one that I have hurt, or vice versa.
ñ At the fraternity approach is given before each of the Eucharist Thursday: I get a good heart in seeking forgiveness for my shortcomings and with the grace of God, I keep nothing against my brothers and sisters.

6 / intellectual, spiritual and human

Life Study
Of course it is Christ who unites us, but it also studies the work that leads us to live in this kot.
I must live my university seriously: it is a way of being responsible and grow in maturity.
I make sure to maintain this work environment to foster the study of each.

human and spiritual formation
Fraternal Life is a special link of human and spiritual growth.
The Word of God illuminates my life and feed my prayer. To better understand, and to become responsible and mature Christians, able to meet the challenges of this world, kot members receive basic training on Thursday evening, from the CD produced by the community. This study continues and the solid Word of God allows us to gain mature human, spiritual, ecclesial.
The ability to provide education on Thursday allows me to grow in the announcement speech.
We believe to understand, and we seek to understand to believe.

3 times in the year, with all young kot, I will follow the community with a weekend retreat / training is also an opportunity to stay connected with the community of the Word of Life, and make a stop in my spiritual lifestyle.
7 / Mission

In kot
- The beauty and simplicity of the place:
A home can already tell what is going on inside: a beautiful chapel, a tidy dishes, a clean house, a Bible enhancement to express our love for the Word of God and our willingness to put into practice by the recollection of the place.
For decoration of kot, I combine beauty and simplicity, so that all receive the peace of God in the Lord's house.
- Charity in fraternal life
is our core mission, our first witness. It is the love we have for each other we will be recognized as disciples of Christ.
Just when we touch limits of our brothers and sisters that we can live true love.

We are convinced that the world urgently needs to hear the Word of God. "My people perish for lack of knowledge," says the Lord!
- Missionaries in proclaiming the Word of God:
One goal of the mission kot is to show unconditional love and merciful Father of all men, to make known his Word of Life, by inviting Thursday evening, every 15 days, other young people to discover the Word of God around the sacraments and a fraternal meal. I take
every opportunity to proclaim Christ in word and deed. I trust the Holy Spirit who is already working the heart of those to whom I am sent.
- Missionaries in prayer and communion with the Church faithfully
I pray for the intentions of the Holy Father and the Church.
By my words and attitudes, I witness the joy of living in communion with the Church.

8 / Communion with the Word of Life Community

Community of the Word of Life nurtures the bonds of brotherhood with kot. This relationship is nourished by prayer (especially Thursday), the new exchanged, shared by the joint missions, with regular visits. A community sponsor will follow this.
spiritual accompaniment kot
At least once a quarter a visit kot be made by the community sponsor, who will take the time to listen personally to each item.
Once a month participate in a community meal on Thursday evening.
I am careful to maintain this bond of communion. I cultivate fraternal ties with the community that do not come to "inspect", but support the growth of kot.

9 / To live as brothers and sisters

response of kot
It is good to have among us a sponsor. Offer the community. This charge is in fact a servant. Itself ensure the unity of the house and will link with the community.
We live to stimulate the sharing of daily tasks and will promote peace and fellowship.

Life in a mixed community requires careful affectivity, self-control and tact refined. It represents a challenge and a blessing in today's world. Take
means to know your emotions and conquer it, in Christ, to your intelligence and your will, cultivating the virtues of temperance and strength.
It is to ensure that you are not always absent from kot because of a too exclusive relationship with someone from the outside. It's up to you to manage it and not neglect the commitments you have made kot freely. It is obvious that your friend (s) not living in your room, to avoid discomfort in the kot.

10 / To ensure that your joy may be complete

This kot the Word of Life will face particular through its location, original initiatives ... To you also make a personal touch.

We rely on your joy and giving of yourself to serve the brotherhood!

4 All this, we are writing
To our joy may be complete.
(1John (BJ) 1)

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3: The Project:

Living the Christian faith in a fraternal and missionary life, linked community with the Word of Life.
For students or young workers who want vivrent with other Christians in an atmosphere of joy, mission and study ...
a Christian to remain standing! And running ...

the project is based on four pillars :
1-1 Christian fraternal life

2 - Mission Night Fever: Every 2nd Thursday of the month
3 - Training: 3 weekends a year with the community, and kot around a fraternal banquet Thursday evening training, sharing and prayer open to all

4-prayer: personal and community (1 time per week)

a weekend re-entry is planned for early September to all present knowledge and the community.

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2: The conditions
- conditions practices :

  • 2 kots available (4 / 5 bedrooms with kot) returned on 1 September; lease of 10 months rent 250/260 euros.
  • For 18-35 years: students or young workers.

Prime kot:
In a beautiful house Ward Woluwe Saint Lambert, Kot to 4 students. garden, terrace, chapel, large rooms, 500 meters underground; quarier calm shops nearby ... Address: 25 Avenue of the chapel
1200 - Woluwe St. Lambert

second kot:
In a charming neighborhood Wezmbeek-open, Kot 5 students. garden, chapel, large rooms, buses; quarier calm shops nearby ... address: Avenue de Burbure, 1
1970 - Open-Wezembeek

- terms of motivations for the project

you find charter kot project below, to read: The kot is for young people interested in the project and willing to invest, if you're interested: voyer in a letter to the following address : jeunes.fichermont @ leverbedevie.net
an appointment you will be given after receipt of your letter.

Valima Invitations Samples

Welcome to the blog of Christian Kot

Word Of Life

For our French friends KOT SHARED = ...

Back 1 September 2010
opening two kots

you find some info in the lines following:

1: Who to contact?

2: The conditions

3: The project Kot

4: The charter of Kot

5: Visit Kot: Some pictures

-------- -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ------

1: Who to contact ?

or sr Claire Christine Elie

Community of the Word of Life

Street Youth Service Cross, 21 A


tel: 0032 ( 0) 2 384 23 38

Fax: 0032 (0) 2 384 28 38

skype: christine.burel

facebook: jeunesfichermont

What Will Happen If You Drink Expired Protein

5: Visit Kot: some pictures
front of the house
ward: kitchen dining room: ground floor
Chapelle in the garden
The 4 bedrooms are on 2nd floor: 8m2 to 20m2
The common room is on the ground floor.