Wednesday, December 15, 2010

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The nature of Plotinus

The nature of the One in Plotinus

"The Enneads"

The answer is two pages 14 word font, it includes an introduction and development of a paragraph relating to the question of the One and his nature.

Extract from the study:

The One, the generic nature of all things is nothing she creates ....

Map comment:



Questions reformulated


The nature of the One

Concepts addressed:

The nature of the One

The One, the generic nature of all things

The One is it intelligible?


To get the answers, click the link:

The nature of one Plotinus

Other studies on the theme of philosophy:

Quotes theme Philosophy
Glossary definitions in philosophy
program philosophy
The allegory of the cave
Greek philosophical concepts
Sophists and philosophers
philosophical articles, Rousseau, a wink eye to the philosophy, definition of philosophy, Socratic method
Issues in philosophy, training
Introduction to Psychoanalysis
Socratic irony, the maieutic
two videos on the myth of Plato's cave
Introduction to Philosophy General
Can we criticize the philosophy of being useless?
Sophists and philosophers
Glossary definitions in philosophy

Other studies of philosophy and Socratic

The concept of philosophy, its definition
The Socratic method, philosophy
Socratic dialectics, philosophy and the Socratic method
philosophy and the question of its origin
The Socratic philosophical orientation, the concept of philosophy
The Socratic legacy

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Tuesday, December 14, 2010

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a study of the fragments of Heraclitus, Fragments 30, 31, 90 and 94: the thought of contradiction and unity restored, the Fire Element


study fragments of Heraclitus, Fragments 30, 31, 90 and 94: thinking of contradiction and unity restored, the fire element

Heraclitus of Ephesus Greek philosopher
Born in -576 -480

The answer is two-page Word Police 14, includes an introduction to the fragments of the philosopher Heraclitus said, the obscure and the concept of eternal recurrence questioned in relation to the Stoic thesis on the development and study of some fragments, 30, 31 , 90, 94.

Extract from the study:

Fire is the universal principle of life, it turns on and off; There is no officer or architect the world. We are witnessing the order of a world always already there, the fire is still alive ....

map fragment analysis:


Listing Plan

position question: question of the eternal return to a sense of the Stoics. Reframing the issue


Study of fragment 30

Fragment B 30

"this world, the same for all neither God nor man did but it was always, he is and he will, fire still alive ignited and extinguished able to measure ".

Study of fragment 31

"Fire, the tropics: first sea sea half land and half Prester. The sea flows up to the same extent and logos first before he was to become earth. "

Study of fragment 90

Fragment B 90

"From Fire in exchange for all things and all things on fire, like gold in exchange for goods and goods for gold. "

Study of Fragment B 94

Fragment B 94

"the sun will not infringe its feet"

To obtain the corrected click on link:

study fragments of Heraclitus

Other studies on the sequence "subject", consciousness, unconscious, perception, desire, existence , died

Other studies and reflections on the theme of desire, senses

Studies and reflections on psychoanalysis and psychology

other studies in methodology are available

other studies on the theme of reason

Study on the sequence "political" society, trade, justice, law, state

Studies on the theme of culture, art, art, science

Studies on the sequence "morality" in philosophy, freedom, will, duty

and papers on the theme of happiness


Studies on Voltaire philosophy

Other Studies on Voltaire in French and literature

Other studies in philosophy Rabelais

Other studies in literature on Rabelais

Analysis and comments on the sequence "Culture, history, sociology

Monday, December 13, 2010

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Study of fragment B 66 of Heraclitus, a movement for unification and disunification, the fire element, Unity contaires, the eternal return

Study the fragment of Heraclitus B 66
A movement for unification and disunification

The element of fire, unity of opposites
eternal return

The answer is two pages word font 14, includes an introduction to the B 66 fragment of the philosopher Heraclitus said, the obscure and development on the study of this fragment into three paragraphs and a conclusion.

Preview Analysis:

Fire is a living law that takes into One opposites. It separates each being of her being with others. He seizes every thing undone. There is a constant movement of unification and disunification ...

Study design:


position question

Study design

Study of Fragment B66


1 - A movement for unification and disunification

2 - A movement to balance the principle of the world

3 - unity of opposites

Fire and flame retardant.


To get the answer, click on the link:

study the fragment of Heraclitus

Other studies on the sequence "subject", consciousness, unconscious, perception, desire, life, death

Other studies and reflections on the theme of desire, senses

Studies and reflections on psychoanalysis and psychology

other studies in methodology are available

other studies on the theme of reason

Study on the sequence "political" society, trade, justice, law, state

Studies on the theme of culture, art, art, science

Studies on the sequence "morality" in philosophy, freedom, commitment, duty

and papers on the theme of happiness


Studies on Voltaire philosophy

Other Studies on Voltaire in French and literature

Other studies in philosophy Rabelais

Other studies Rabelais literature

Analysis and comments on the sequence "Culture, history, sociology

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Empedocles: a philosophy of circularity, the concept of circularity in the pre Socratic, the One Empédocléen

Empedocles: a philosophy of circularity

The concept of circularity in the pre-Socratic
The One empédocléen

The answer is two pages 14 word font, it includes an introduction from the eternal question of the first principle, motionless, spherical, one empédocléen and development in a paragraph devoted to the study of the concept of circularity in the pre Socratic.

Extract from the study:

How to understand the concept of circularity? The One is in the original form rounded Sphairos and is the principle which is spherical, motionless eternal ...

Plan Analysis:

The concept of circularity in the pre-Socratic Empedocles


position question

Introduction to the problem of circularity and motion cosmogonic

study the principle of the world


A paragraph: The concept of circularity

Concepts addressed:

concepts: circular, spherical,

cyclic processes, cosmogonic movement

One empédocléen

spherical Principle, eternal and motionless


To get the answer, click on the link;

Other studies on the theme of philosophy:

Quotations on the theme of philosophy
Glossary definitions in philosophy
program philosophy
The allegory of the cave
Greek philosophical concepts
Sophists and philosophers
philosophical articles, Rousseau, a nod to the philosophy, definition of philosophy, Socratic method
Issues in philosophy, training
Introduction to Psychoanalysis
Socratic irony, the maieutic
two videos on the myth of Plato's cave
General Introduction to Philosophy
Can we criticize the philosophy of being useless?
Sophists and philosophers
Glossary definitions in philosophy

Other studies of philosophy and Socratic

The concept of philosophy, its definition
The Socratic method, philosophy
Socratic dialectics, philosophy and the Socratic method
philosophy and the question of its origin
The Socratic philosophical orientation, the concept of philosophy
Socratic legacy

To return to teaching high school students forum

William Rogers And Son Aa

The concept of conscience in Socrates, "Know thyself "

The concept of consciousness in Socrates
"know thyself"

"Know thyself"

The answer is two page word police 14, it includes an introduction to the issue of the birth of consciousness in Socrates, its evolution from the perspective of the history of philosophy and development of a paragraph corresponding to the analysis of the Socratic maxim, "know thyself" and its philosophical implications.

Extract from the study:

awareness is reflected in the adage of Socratic "know thyself" maxim inscribed on the temple of Delphi. Aiming philosophical ........

Study design:


The concept of Socratic conscience

Points dealt

position question

Consciousness Socratic

evolution of consciousness from the perspective of philosophy of history

focus the question


Know thyself: the Socratic adage

Points dealt

definition of consciousness

limits of consciousness

A literary example: Antigone

Do want the possible

Opening Ethics

To get the answer, click on the link:

Concept conscience in Socrates, know thyself

Other studies on the theme of philosophy:

Quotations on the theme of philosophy
Glossary definitions in philosophy
program philosophy
The allegory of the cave
Greek philosophical concepts
Sophists and philosophers
philosophical articles, Rousseau, a nod to the philosophy, definition of philosophy, Socratic method
Issues in Philosophy, Driving
Introduction to Psychoanalysis
Socratic irony, the maieutic
two videos on the myth of Plato's cave
Introduction to Philosophy General
Can we criticize the philosophy of being useless?
Sophists and philosophers
Glossary definitions in philosophy

Other studies of philosophy and Socratic

The concept of philosophy, its definition
The Socratic method, philosophy
Socratic dialectic, the philosophy and the Socratic method
philosophy and the question of its origin
The Socratic philosophical orientation, the concept of philosophy
Socratic legacy

To return to teaching high school students forum