Sunday, July 25, 2010

Waxing For Men Bangkok

Junk food

To catch up on Nathanael's weight, it is now moving in steady junk food: sausage, chips, candy, yogurt sweetened breakfast cereals full of sugar and hydrogenated fats; what the total. With this scheme we hope to resume rapidly lost weight :-). Good to compensate a little, we add the raw tomatoes (a little late when compared to the previous year) as well as fresh and dried fruit in larger quantities.

But anyway, all this does not the morale of Nathanael. He impressed our friends at the church during our evangelism outings. It is always so talkative. Loving father as his rant to say nothing, so much so that I can teach him a little spinach for its recitation to prevent them being seasoned with a speech ending. With the recitation of the speech to the advantage of always end with the swallowing of the spoonful. And two nonsense to say he knows a lot of fun things and sometimes serious.

Other good news of the day, after another pass by the beach, Nathaniel again appreciates the sea even if it wet. Besides, he had a good laugh which her mother washing shells, saying: "Be careful mom, do not drop the shells! Be careful ... "

Friday, July 16, 2010

How Much Is Xanax On The Street

A first set of words

Well uglier!

Nathanael is not especially quiet as we move the fateful moment when the door of his room closed for the night. Specifically, he happens to show excited from the start of the show until the very last hug through the reading of history, prayer and water consumption. And it is precisely by linking these activities came to him his first set of words that we are witnessing. I quote:
"- [...] Amen! Water! "Tracking
laughter mixed reprimands of parents came up when the" take the water! "

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Words To Someone Who Is Stressed


Last night we took Nathaniel to her first fireworks. The decision was taken, not without hesitation: would this not too late, would he be afraid of rockets, noise and backfires? But finally we went. And the success was the appointment. We took advantage of twenty-five minutes of beautiful lights and applause marveled Nathanael. He enjoyed both the exit, that this morning we reaffirmed his love for this kind of events, repeating to anyone who would listen how much he appreciated the exit.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Housing Allowance Request Letter


That's it, I completed my inventory to sell pictures to send with these six portraits of Nathaniel. So what have we here:
first picture showing an old Nathanael inaugurating his suspenders. It already looked like Nathanael contemporary. Rather thin and slender. Nathanaël inaugure ses nouvelles bretelles It must be said that his persistent angina does not help to feather. For a month he had a little sore throat. Finally, on Thursday became ill within the meaning of doctor city. And for once the antibiotic treatment seems to be the effect. We hope he recovers fully and gain weight. It should be at least 13 kg and weighs only 12.5 does! I must admit that its food independence in the morning does little to grow. It rose from 200 g milk and 25 g of cereals is a (small) glass of chocolate milk and a cracker with chocolate. It's more appetizing, and he eats instead of requiring a feeding manual, but it's so slow and with so little Appétit! Despite its small

health concerns Nathanael no lack of energy or creativity. The following image was intended to illustrate the first block construction Nathanael. At the time he was building a second propeller on the helicopter. For some time it was his great passion. Nathanaël occupé à construire une seconde hélice pour son hélicoptère But now it is much more interested in the dough.

Then, an illustration of the feeding activity of Nathanael. You can see sample a chocolate cake. And although he loves a lot, you can see that the way to the mouth is far from optimal. Nathanaël consommant un gâteau au chocolat de mamie Eugénie

We arrive in the modern era and the discovery of aviation. You look very concentrated Nathanael alongside his uncle Dede. How exciting discovery for Nathaniel who starts dreaming every passing aircraft. Nathanaël dans l'ULM d'André For those who might wonder: this is not a baptism of air. The ultralight seems too fragile and too easy to grab orders for a small. It was not feasible to bring them a small pompon. But the mere fact of sitting, what accomplishment for Nathon!

The following picture is to remind the era not so long ago when Nathanael was fed to the sheer strength of his parents .
This time he was decorated alone with a good chocolate cream, one of his favorite foods.

And finally a nice portrait feet. Any takers puzzle came one day or another to Hérouville St. Clair: where this photo was taken knowing that you're all been there?
Portrait en pied de Nathanaël