Thursday, August 26, 2010

Can Toothache Cause Sore Throat

A new bed

Wednesday, after a few kilometers to Ikea Rouen and back, the new bed Nathanael came to the house. Thanks to its extensible nature, it is the only model that could get inside the car. And seems quite happy recipient of new furniture in his room.
Nathanaël sur son nouveau lit
An additional element to mark the start of school (with the backpack, shoes ... Buzz Light year). But these objects are only the symbols of growth. Indeed, while talking with this young man that we realize the more aware of its changes. Her character is soft temper, while his understanding and ability to express progress. We are very proud of our little boy. And like him, we hustles her back so that it occurs enriched by many new features.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Black Brazillian Wax Vids

Museum visit

Yesterday was visiting the museum. The opportunity for Nathanael discover new moult where others find only old stuff over and over so dusty clichés.
opportunity to rediscover some of the sexual dimoprhisme sea lions:
Nourrissages de deux otaries adultes. Un mâle et une femelle
And watch acrobatic takeoffs.
Un goëlland prend son envol
advantage grayish time, we made the trek to Granville you can see part of the port below.
Le port de Granville sous les nuages
Nathanaël et Pierre-Matthieu devant un grand aquarium
And considering that even on cloudy days, rather than take a dip, we chose to take Nathanael observe the wonders of an aquarium having also some minerals, shells and other collections of insects .
Nathanaël et PA regardent un planche de coléoptères
The conclusion of the day: Our Nath. is still a little child to walk in a museum. However, the observation of the large animals are very interested. And the word of the end: Nathanael dutifully explained to his mother at the Bourmandaie he had slept in umbrella-Louis, I repeat, a louis umbrella. All followed by peals of laughter.

Friday, August 6, 2010

Fire Red Gpsphone Cheats

83 years granny Toinette, 80 less for Alexia and other news from Bourmandaie

start with this beautiful photograph of children fascinated by the novelty, crowding around their great-grandparents gift for observing the 83-year-Granny Toinette.
Papi, mamie, Nathanaël et Alexia se pressent autour de l'album photo de Mamie toinette
then followed some nice portraits. Alexia first;
Portrait d'Alexia à la bourmandaie
Nathanael to his cousin then.
Portrait de Nathanaël et Alexia sur le porche de la Bourmandaie
cousin who shows his strength by lugging a huge child seat of a car to another.
Alexia portant un siège bébé
Nathanael and his cousin Alexia involved in many games. Alexia here to learn soccer Nath.
There, they learn to cut trees by observing glade Grandpa wielding a cut branch impressive.
Here we look at the nice finds.

To change children's pictures, you can take the time to watch some butterflies on lavender of Bourmandaie. That is true nourissoires insect. Whenever there is a sunbeam is the invasion of bumblebees and butterflies for the delight of Nathanael who still has some difficulty with relational insects.
It is also possible to look at the great work Ludovic and Elizabeth who have completed their dam and the hole for concrete slab through the good care of Pascal navvy.
Fortunately, moreover, that it was because with this work jackhammer, Ludovic and Elizabeth were a little shaken.
We celebrate the end of the work by putting a first foot on an island Landes.
advantage of the crowd at the Bourmandaie, children read to their grandma.
One of the great discoveries of Bourmandaie for Nathanael is picking and eating plums.
After the cakes failures of Peter Matthew, eaten for Alexia's birthday party, everyone went for a walk Digestive and I got a stowaway. Ladies and gentlemen, please see the tall, handsome, great Leo.
And then his cousin and his older sister busy building potholes where Alexia could lay its eggs.
And then everyone learning to play the straw in the fields. Watch as they all apply to emulate Pascal.
Papi has installed a swing in the hedge bottom of the field. To the delight of our kids.
He also found boxes of our old toys, Playmobil, and other dinosaurs that were scattered gaily in the sandbox.
And finally, show that we're not just enjoy ourselves at all times. Here Ludovic and Elizabeth immersed in the study of electrical circuits heath with Dad.

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They hardly change

past few days that we are Bourmandaie, it is possible to say that some things remain fairly constant among our children. Thus, Nathaniel still loves to walk on big trucks with wheels. But this game is made supremely attractive by the presence of Leo running and pushing behind the truck. Nathanaël poussé par Léo sur le camion
Also, cartoons are a major attraction. But they have acquired a new attraction-related division with little cousins.
Nathanaël, Léo et Alexia devant un dessin animé
may be observed with interest the developed device that prevents Leo impromptu interventions on the computer spreading the images.