Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Ap Biology Lab 5 Analysis

Larger statements

few fun phrases of Nathanael you imagine the childish tone that goes with it:
- "Daddy I want to be a firefighter."
- "My Hood I need it!"
- "Daddy I can type on the keyboard? I need it, it's important! "
- "No mom, it's delicious! No mom, it's delicious! What does that mean delicious? "

To illustrate the second idiom of Nathon, I might add a small series of images I recall the comments of my parents. I think one time in my childhood I m'affublais hoods in all weather. Apparently, the gene was transmitted to the hood of my offspring. And throughout the spring, as he had coats, rain, windy or shine Nathaniel insisted on wearing his hood.
Nathanaël au sommet d'un jeux avec un beau ciel nuageux derrière lui
Escalade de toboggan
Nathanaël assis sur le toboggan
Soufflage de pissenlit, une mode de Nathon
And now, whatever the game, blowing dandelion climbing, Nathanael was the hood at any moment. Until recent days, the passion of Couvrechef aileurs did not leave. Recently, he had stolen a cap in daycare and he decked by descending to her eyes.


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