Monday, September 20, 2010

Mottled Skin And Pinched Nerve

End of Day

To use the style of some directors in fashion, I jump directly to the beginning of the festival to a close. To show a masterpiece: a photograph with the seven children, and all their faces visible! Tous les amis de Nathanaël présents à sa fête d'anniversaire
For those who do not know this little world, here are their names from right to left: Naomi, Nathaniel, Inez, Tiago, Sarah-Yanna, Elysee and the famous Élodie *.

continue to complete the evening with gorgeous photos of little bubbles. Nothing like to blow a wind of madness on Children crowds desperate to disrupt the delicate balance of these ephemeral cathedrals.
Charles faisant des bulles pour des enfants
Les mêmes enfants poursuivants les bulles sans merci
And finally, to end the afternoon, the Reading the new book by Charles Nathanael.
Nathanaël et Sarah-Yanna écoutent attentivement la lecture de Charles

* The accomplice of the 400 shots with her nanny Nathanael Peggy.


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