Tuesday, October 26, 2010

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It is autumn here and the Nathanael's first school holidays which start with freshness due to weather certainly, but also a heating breakdown (of course we thank the company Viria energy service environment that leaves us without any further for several days), and installed scaffolding to paint the facade of the building and that unfortunately obscures our windows. Nath suspendu près d'un plan d'eau
But all that coolness is far from reducing the energy of a Nathanael great. Whatever we do, it is full of energy and needs to run, climb, and jump in all directions. In the photos around this paragraph it is suspended above a small pond and explores the crevices of a modern sculpture particularly suitable for climbing.
Nathanaël escalade une sculpture
Fortunately, You can find here many types of facilities tailored to the needs expressed by Nathanael. And as if he was missing, a new one was recently installed in garden plants, and better yet it is ideally located for the practice of photography to children in every season :-). Admire the pretty branches between the sky in the background of Nathanael.
Nathanaël s'amuse devant un ciel lumineux

And as each moment is ripe for new developments Nathaniel, I can not resist to show you his favorite new stance facing the camera. These images could be called "eyes wide open. "
Nathanaël en mouvement rapide en train de grimacer
Les beaux yeux grand ouverts de Nathanaël
must now abandon this narrative: the nap ends and new adventures await us.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Sensitivity To Pain Menstrual Period

Finally the circus in our "neighborhood" End

I take this as colds play the same game as the government on pensions to send a little message and some news about Nathaniel. The idea of a correlation colds government does not come to me spontaneously. Nathaniel and I have a stinker pharyngitis, and now the mistress of Nath is on strike. And as I have no classes on Tuesday, I want to take a vacation day and keep Nathaniel. A Nathanael should sleep soundly at this hour (14:00 today, 12 October) but who is struggling because of frequent coughing.
Nathanaël en écharpe
That said, we do not complain too much. As you can see from the photo Nathanael is not so miserable that with this beautiful scarf. We spent a great morning full of Activities crossbred consumer healing: lemon juice, cough syrup, herbal thyme, paracetamol, honey Chantale aunt, raisins, and so on of the best. With all that Nathanael has hardly found time to watch more than one episode of Dora.

I return to the initial theme of my message: the first visit Nathanael's circus. We went to the circus R. RITS. Finally, it is rather they who have come to us: They were installed on the other side of the highway in front of our building block. Nathaniel was in heaven. From the time he took the hand of his mother by saying "I too would go to the circus." Now the circus came to him under the best auspices. A beautiful sun, a weekend without a particular activity. And the hilarity of parents from watching a beautiful posters proudly "neighborhood."

You understood it was certainly not one of the largest Circus World. Nevertheless, the show was enchanting for young and hilarious - a posteriori - for parents. To illustrate the output, here is a representative photo of the show: a real man circus. Alternately sir Loyal, tamer, clown, juggler, Mr. Rits the show almost completely from beginning to end.
Monsieur Ritz jonglant
sometimes with a little help, however: a man with a long pole to push the deer, drawn to the ferocity, just too lazy to get up from their stools during their number. A magician who nearly engulfed all the circus by reversing the fuel ignited on the number of its track. A little girl of three years which made us a beautiful demonstration of hoop, and his mom who was doing the stunts. And of course ineffable Augustus, his nose red, and joking River "two feet" (in lieu of tomorrow).

All this delighted Nathanael. Especially since we got together with his girlfriend Inez. But what they probably liked the most, it's the little toy light in fiber optics and LEDs. That has truly unleash the passions and also will close this story out to the circus.
Nathanaël et Inès secouant leurs balais à diodes

Is there still some something to add? Perhaps Nathanael. Finally when I say Nathaniel ... I should say Doc, Flash, Buzz, Sergeant, red, Diego, etc.. Because if his father was somewhat inclined to rename regularly new nicknames himself is no exception and frequently imagine cartoon characters. Thus, his parents discovered that it was possible to give orders, addressing the sergeant, who sleep in him. The latter then responds as one man "at your command" before promptly do so.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Spreading Genital Herpes On My Nose

pictures birthday

Phew, I finished with my selection of images depicting the festival Birthday prepared by PA. In a slightly surprising, seven children, this is little more tiring one. In groups, their gregarious tendencies facilitate supervision. So here they are all easily assembled for the birthday cake. Les enfants assis pour souffler les bougies Later, they gathered as one man, waiting patiently for their turn to shoot qu'advienne son to the candy. And until the very last thread and the final collapse triggered by Treasury Ines. Inès déclenche la chute des bonbons Everyone has wisely picked up the candy. There seems he had not even sick! Les enfants ramassent sagement les bonbons tombés à terre Even opening gifts took place in a relative order quite enjoyable. Ouverture de ses cadeaux par Nathanaël and fishing line as well. The most fun was probably the exit to the park with the seven child chews and then running to the queuleuleu towards the playground promised. La pêche à la ligne

Saturday, October 2, 2010

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I remember like it was yesterday. Besides, it's just yesterday that I heard. The National picoton, aka Nathaniel, spoke yesterday. Yesterday he had been afraid to listen to some music from his mobile. He had already eaten lasagna yesterday, just like those served today by his parents. Mr begins to know speak on the past. Of course, the last of Nathon is not ours. In both examples above, the past is not of prime freshness. You could say it did not start yesterday. Anyway, we were very interested to hear this yesterday graçonnet talk about his memories of infant.