Sunday, October 3, 2010

Spreading Genital Herpes On My Nose

pictures birthday

Phew, I finished with my selection of images depicting the festival Birthday prepared by PA. In a slightly surprising, seven children, this is little more tiring one. In groups, their gregarious tendencies facilitate supervision. So here they are all easily assembled for the birthday cake. Les enfants assis pour souffler les bougies Later, they gathered as one man, waiting patiently for their turn to shoot qu'advienne son to the candy. And until the very last thread and the final collapse triggered by Treasury Ines. Inès déclenche la chute des bonbons Everyone has wisely picked up the candy. There seems he had not even sick! Les enfants ramassent sagement les bonbons tombés à terre Even opening gifts took place in a relative order quite enjoyable. Ouverture de ses cadeaux par Nathanaël and fishing line as well. The most fun was probably the exit to the park with the seven child chews and then running to the queuleuleu towards the playground promised. La pêche à la ligne


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