Friday, January 28, 2011

Rusian Family Naturism


This Sunday, January 30th, we celebrate the Presentation of Jesus in temple.
Specifically, after cantata presented by the Chapelle des Minimes , we will begin the celebration with a procession 11:15
We expect many of you with candle light bearer

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readings from Sunday 30 January at 11:30


From the Book of Malachi 3, 1-4

Behold I will send my messenger, it opens a path before me. And suddenly come to his temple the Lord whom ye seek, And the messenger of the covenant that you want, here he comes, saith the LORD of hosts. Who may abide the day of his coming? Which one will stand when he appeareth? For he is like a refiner's fire, like potash launderers. He will sit as one that melts and purifies the money he will purify the son of Levi, and purge them as (we sketch) gold and silver, and they will be to the Lord who brings the offering with justice. Then shall the offering of Judah and Jerusalem be pleasant unto the LORD, as the days of old, as in previous years.

From Hebrews 2, 14-18

Since all men have a nature of flesh and Blood Jesus wanted to share the human condition and by his death, he was able to smother him who possessed the power of death, that is to say, the devil, and he was free those who through fear of death, spent their entire lives in a situation of slaves. For whom he comes to help, they are not angels, they are the son of Abraham. He had to become at all like his brothers, to be in their relationships with God, a merciful and faithful high priest, able to remove the sins of the people. Having suffered through the ordeal of his passion, he can bring relief to those who undergo the test.


When arrived the day fixed by the law of Moses for the purification, the parents of Jesus brought him to Jerusalem to present to the Lord, according to what is written in the law: Every first-born male will be devoted to They were also present Lord r offering a couple of doves or two young pigeons, the sacrifice prescribed by the law of the Lord However, there was a man in Jerusalem called Simeon. He was a righteous man, religious, waiting for the consolation of Israel, and the Holy Spirit was upon him. The Spirit had told him he should not see death before seeing the Messiah of the Lord. Driven by the Spirit, Simeon came to the temple. The parents came with the child Jesus to perform the rites of the Act that concerned him. Simeon took the child in his arms and blessed God saying: "Now, O Lord, now let your servant depart in peace according to thy word. For my eyes have seen thy salvation which thou hast prepared before the face of all peoples: a light for revelation to the Gentiles and for glory to your people Israel. "The father and the child's mother marveled at what was said him. Then Simeon blessed them and said to Mary his mother: "Behold, thy son, who is there for the fall and rising of many in Israel. There will be a sign of division, and yourself, your heart will be pierced by a sword. And will be unveiled the secret thoughts of many. "There was a woman who was a prophetess, Anna the daughter of Phanuel, of the tribe of Asher. Left a widow after seven years of marriage, she had reached the age of eighty-four. She never left the temple, serving God day and night in fasting and prayer. Approaching them at that time, it proclaimed the praises of God and spoke of the child to all who looked for redemption in Jerusalem. When they had fulfilled all the prescriptions of the law of the Lord, they returned into Galilee, to their city Nazareth. The child grew and became strong, he increased in wisdom and grace of God was upon him.

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* Successful " March for Life "in Paris (25/01/2011
Light of the World "of Benedict XVI: already one million copies sold (01/25/2011 )
* Holy Land: two international days
Peace ( 01/26/2011) *
Open Forum in Davos ( 16/01/2011) * Commission
abuse : hearing
Higher Brothers of Charity, Ringlet, Van Cauwenberghe and Van den Noortgaete ( 25 and 01/27/2011)
* Getting the Ordinariate
former Anglican ( 27/01/2011)
* 2011: European Year of Volunteering (28.1 .2011)
* The Council of Europe is concerned about the flight of Christians Middle East (01/28/2011

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Thursday, January 27, 2011

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Diamond Taxi 1959 - 1963 Ford Custom 300 1962 Chevrolet Biscayne and

Image from the NFB film "The Memory of Angels .

Nfl Players In Jock Straps

A Taxi in Port - Start of The 1950's Yellow Cabs

A Pontiac 1951 or 1952 of an unidentified company in the port of Montreal.

past taxis and even private cars as shown in photo, enjoyed a much easier access to the port lands. In the years 1970 it was enough to have a client on board and they let us pass. I already came to McGill to go drive a customer Viau spent the night. You could not drive fast, there were few mandatory stops, we might cross a locomotive pulling a few cars, but no red lights do we immobilized, and some customers liked the way believers probably save.

Image from the NFB film "The Memories of Angels .

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Full Length Trifold Mirror

Bramson - 1920 and 1921

Advertisements appeared in The Gazette in 1920 and 1921.

Plattsburg Montreal round trip took 14 hours in 1920 and cost $ 56. A return to Berthier took 10 hours and cost $ 40.

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Taxi Diamond - 1956 Plymouth Taxi

At the corner of McGill and Notre Dame.

Another image from the film at the NFB "The Memory of Angels .

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Discharge Is Very Thick

Two months

... two months without significant changes. Two months without nothing extraordinary comes trasparaitre. And for good reason: Nathanael is now a great fellow, and it's a habit. With school is arriving a humdrum than nothing, it seems, was not to interrupt.
And then came a small group of molecule known viruses. It multiplied in parasitizing host cells. By dint of damage, bacteria were able to settle.

But this was only part of a problem emmergée frigid
episodes of fever, rhinitis, and cough caused Nathanael to prevent forced school for a whole week. Enough to take some funny habits. A sort of return to childhood, but only three years. The most striking feature is certainly the amplification of its ability to give in to whims and impulses it expresses better. Yesterday evening, while her mother attended, only two hours, a concert of praise man had a hard time controlling their desires and chained attacks tears and wailing, screaming who did not want to hear: "I do not want Mom to leave. I do not want mom parte [after a few grammatical explanations father]. "Charybdis herself, screaming his hunger would not make much noise.

And now we arrive at the fire. Animated best of intentions, good morning dad gave a beautiful teddy bear with her little boy. What pavement, my friends, and what then hell. The teddy bear is so impressive that his mom does not sleep with cocode. And then bad luck. Nathanael had already enacted the following law: The Nathon sleep with their teddy bear. Clash. Two hours of whining and tearful spasms wrenching. Decidedly, it is necessary to guard against the rising waters. Hopefully it restored our health Nath finds his perky mood and character accommodating.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Cocky Concited Quotes

Tray White philosophy: practice summary documents and made notes on the tray discussion around the tank

Preparation tray philosophy: train in the synthesis documents and records to make bin

Training Exercises on the allegory of the cave Plato, Republic: philosophy
http:/ /

Preparation tray philosophy: practice summary documents and making plans
Checkup Cratylus: sequence "language"
Exercise 1: Overview of documents
Exercise 2: Train yourself to find evidence for an essay: To Plan -do-a-plan-the-language-vt2418.html

Fixed tray white sequence "Culture, religion: Elements for an essay
Plan dialectic

Faith should it prevail over reason?

Topics for training the white boxes:

Ajuda No Fsxaircreation582sl Red?

Prepare mock exams written in philosophy, writing workshop, bac White wrote online discussion forum around the tank

preparation Bachelor of Philosophy: Writing Workshop: mock exams online written

Train, Prepare your mock exams and written homework written offer, or plans for teachers of the forum will correct you and guide you. You can treat the topic of your choice, essay, commentary

Here are some suggested topics for those who wish, but you can make another topic and submit it for correction and evaluation:


- Rationalism is it our only source of knowledge?
- How can we break free of the past?
- To be free is what do we want?
- To believe this is to renounce the use of reason?
- Any value on it?
- Can you doubt everything?


The allegory of the cave

Well, after that, I say, you represent and how our nature is affected by education and lack of education. Imagine, then both men in an underground dwelling in a cave, the cave with the entrance open to the light along its entire length, in which they have since childhood, legs and neck chains to stay in place and [514B] only see before them, unable to turn his head because of the chains, and yet light on them from above and below, a fire burning behind them and even then, between the fire and the prisoners, a road on the hill, along which just imagine what builds a wall, similar to fences placed before men by the makers of miracles, above which they show their prodigies.

I see, "he said

Well now see along this wall of men wearing [514c] also utensils of all kinds beyond the wall, and statues of men [515] and other animals stone and wood and various books, as it should, some carriers are hearing sounds while others are silent.

Strange, "he said, the picture you describe, chained and strange!

Similar to us, I replied them because, first, for themselves and each other, do you think they could see anything but the shadows cast by the fire on the part of the cave facing them?

How then, he says, it is true they are forced to keep their head motionless [515b] all their lives?

And what about objects transported? Is not it not for them as well?


Well! without doubt, they were able to interact, do not you think that because of this, they take things for themselves that which they see?

Necessarily. And what else if
over the prison produced an echo from the party facing them? Each time one of the passersby would hear a sound, do you think they might believe that the sound heard comes from elsewhere than the passing shadow?

By Jove, certainly not!

[515c] Certainly, I replied, those could not believe that truth is nothing but the shadows of objects made.

Of necessity, he said.

Consider now, I replied, their deliverance and healing channels and ignorance: what would happen if they happened in nature that here? If only one of them is issued and suddenly compelled to stand and also to turn his neck and walking and looking up toward the light, and even then he does that, he feels pain and is also unable, because of the flashes of light, contemplate what [515d] before he saw the shadows, what do you think he would say if someone told him before he saw nonsense but now a little closer to what is and facing things that most of its existence, he sees more just, and moreover, showing him each of the things that pass before him, he was forced to respond by questioning by saying this? Do not you think it would be in trouble and he would think he saw things more real than those previously shown to him now?

And even a lot! he said.

[515th] And if then also it is forced to look to the light itself, that it would hurt his eyes and he would steal away, turning to what he is capable of contemplating, and that that it would take to actually clearer that what he shows?

That, he said.

If so, I replied, someone pulled him away by force through the rocky and steep climb, and do not let go until you have shot out to the sunlight, is it does not grieved [516a] and do not be indignant abused, and when he would come to light, with eyes full of sunshine, could see nothing of what we now call true?

Probably not, "he said, at least not right away.

So always, I think it would take to get to see any the things above. And first of all what are arguably the shadows as easily as he looked, then after that the images of men in the water and the other thing, and finally this same; from there, which is in the heaven and heaven itself, he could observe them, probably more easily at night, looking the opposite [516b] light of the stars and moon that day the sun and the sun.

How then could it be otherwise?

At the end of course, I think, is the sun, not its images without consistency in water or some other place, but itself as in itself in its own space, that he could contemplate and examine as it is.

Necessarily, "he said.

And after that, he would conclude soon about it is that it produces the seasons and years and it governs everything [516c] which is in the visible, and everything they do- themselves felt in some way involved.

Obviously, he says, after that, he would come to these conclusions!

And what else? Recollecting his first home and wisdom out there and his companions chain so do not you think that for him, he would welcome the change and they by cons, he would take into pity?


And the marks of honor and praise, while some progress had them then, and prerogatives granted more penetrating examination of this parade, and remembering the best of what he used to spend first, or last, [516d] or whole, and thus why most able to predict what would happen, do you think he would still have the desire and envy that those of them who were honored and empowered, or that he would experience the same feeling as in Homer and would prefer a thousand times "be a farmer in the service of another man without resources" and suffer anything rather than this this way of thinking and living there?

[516th] That's it., "He said, I think me too suffer everything rather than resign himself to this life there!

Now, think about this, I replied. If it went down again to resume its place on its head, is it would not look soiled by the darkness, coming suddenly from the sun?

Quite sure, "he said.

And then these shadows again if he had fought hard in his opinions on them with those who have been shackled, as he has poor eyesight, [517a] before his eyes are restored - And time to get used is not short, far from it! - Do not lend it to laugh and say we do not him to be mounted up there, and he returns the damaged eyes, and it's not worth the trouble to try to go there high? And he who would undertake to deliver them and raise them, if indeed they can hold in their hands and kill him, do not they kill?

And how! he said. "

Plato, Republic 7

Essays in Philosophy
Imagination is the enemy of the truth it? / limagination-Is-enemy-of-la.html

Everything is there for the best in the best of worlds?

Man is he a wolf to man?

Man occupies there a special place in the nature?

Reviews Philosophy
Descartes, Studies Meditations II

The concepts in Greek literature and philosophy: the Greek Metis or cunning intelligence

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Meunier - DeSoto 1938 and Chrysler 1941

A DeSoto S5 Drophead Coupe 1938 and 1941 on the three Chrysler station Meunier Taxi. The photo is high resolution, please click on it to see in all its splendor. It comes from the site Genealogy Planet.

Meunier Taxi has operated for forty years from 1936 to 1976, the same place 2120 and 2140 Rosemont . Miller Taxi cars has always been a higher standard than normal. At the time of the photo, Chrysler and DeSoto (although the latter has a license plate private) were not common as a taxi. Even at the end of their lives, while I've rubbed shoulders as driver from 1974 to 1976, there were no vulgar Chevrolet, Pontiac or Dodge in the fleet. The Buick, Oldsmobile, Cadillac, Lincoln, Chrysler, a Grand Marquis can be but not least, was the prerequisite to take part.

It is rare to find photographs or other documents showing the small taxi companies Taxi Meunier as Montrealers. There have been dozens over the years. It was often companies neighborhood with few cars and covering a limited area, but managing to stand out from large organizations such as Diamond and Lasalle offering personalized service to their customers.

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Taxi Veteran - 1964 Chevrolet

The Exchange Tower is under construction in the background.

Image from the NFB film "The Memory of Angels .

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More details by clicking on the title of the article

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Sunday, January 23 at 11:00 30


From the Book of Isaiah 8, 23 - 9, 3

In ancient times, the Lord has shamed the country of Zebulun and land of Naphtali, but then, he has covered with glory the road along the sea, Transjordan and Galilee, the crossroads of the pagans. The people who walked in darkness have seen a rise a great light on those who inhabited the land of gloom a light has shined. You have lavished joy, you have increased the joy: they rejoice before you as people rejoice at the harvest, as merry when dividing spoils. For the yoke that burdened them, the pole on their shoulders, the rod of his oppressor, you have broken as on the day of Midian.

In the first letter of St. Paul to the Corinthians 1, 10-13 and 17

Brothers, I urge you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that all of you agree and there is no division among you, be in perfect harmony of thoughts and feelings . I heard of you, brethren, by the folks at Cloe: we say that there are quarrels among you. Let me explain. Each of you is left saying: "I belong to Paul," or "I belong to Apollos," or "I belong to Peter." Or "I belong to Christ." The Christ is so divided? Is it Paul who was crucified for you? Does the name Paul you were baptized? Besides, Christ did not send me to baptize but to preach the gospel, and without recourse to the wisdom of human language, which would render the cross of Christ.


When Jesus heard the arrest of John the Baptist, he withdrew into Galilee. He left Nazareth and dwelt at Capernaum, a town on the lake in the territories of Zebulun and Naphtali. Thus was fulfilled what the Lord had said through the prophet Isaiah: Land of Zebulun and land of Naphtali, country facing the sea and land beyond the Jordan, Galilee of the Gentiles you the crossroads: the people who lived in darkness have seen a great light. Of those who lived in the land of darkness and death, light has dawned. From that time Jesus began to proclaim: "Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand." As he walked by the lake of Galilee, saw two brethren, Simon called Peter and his brother Andrew casting a net into the sea: for they were fishermen. Jesus said to them: "Follow me and I will make you fishers of men." Immediately they left their nets and followed him. Later, he saw two other brothers, Jacques, son of Zebedee and his brother John, who were in their boat with their father, mending their nets. He called. Immediately they left their boat and their father, they followed him. Jesus went throughout Galilee, teaching in their synagogues, preaching the gospel of the kingdom, healing every disease and every infirmity among the people.

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* The conference Tuesday among Dominicans ( 01.17.2011) * The
parish community installed in Namur ( 18.1. 2011) * Committee
abuse: the judicial hierarchy
explained ( 01/18/2011) *
Three lectures at the Institute Sophia ( 18/01/2011) *
Expo at the Cinquantenaire: the
lifestyle death in the Middle Ages (Sunday, 01/23/2011)
* Youth Launch
Christian radio on the Web! ( 19/01/2011) *
Conferences organized by Ardic , to UOPC ( 20/01/2011)
* Tunisia:
contagion to sub Saharan Africa? ( 20/01/2011)
* Paris: 7th
March for Life ( 20/01/2011)
* 45th World Communications Day:
Pope's message ( 01/20/2011)
* Europe: hearing on the persecution of Christians in the East ( 21/01/2011)
* Iraq: deception and mass exodus ( 21/01/2011)

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Preparation tray philosophy: Latest documents forum

Preparation tray philosophy: Latest Documents Forum

the Cratylus, Plato
Introduction to Plato's Cratylus, terminology language consists
Study of logos in Plato's Cratylus Plato
http: / /
Checkup Cratylus Cratylus du-de-platon vt2390.html

The myth of the cave and the question of knowledge, the Republic myth-of-the-cave-and-the-question-of-knowledge-vt2397.html
The myth of the cave, video
Socratic irony, Article philosophical
The Socratic, six studies -6-etudes-vt2401.html
philosophy, the Socratic method Socratic

Socratic Dialectic
philosohie and the Socratic method
philosophy and the question of
originated the concept of philosophy, the Socratic philosophical orientation

Socratic Reflections, freedom, God, the eternal return
The big year after Aristotle, the Stoics
Freedom in God, future contingents, Aristotle, the Stoics and Megarian
http:/ /
Freedom and Thought: various philosophical systems
report to God, Montaigne and Rousseau
http:/ /

Descartes method, the mathematical model

The monadology the Leibnizian system

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Terminology Cratylus of Plato's language, study of language in dialogue

Introduction to dialogue, "Cratylus" terminology language consists of: Study of language

Sequence: culture, language

The answer is two pages 14 word font, it includes an introduction that is well developed precisely the question in terms of thinking and concept language, and an announcement of the plan, development is a long paragraph with several ideas and concepts discussed and detailed in terms of philosophy of language.

Extract from the study:

Plato's Cratylus is a dialogue devoted to the study of language in this matter constituted a terminology. This book highlights the dialectical method ....

Study design:

The first elements of linguistic terminology incorporated in the study of language


Position Presentation of the issue of dialogue

Important concepts of structure and dominant Platonic
Listing Plan


Elements of linguistic terminology in the Cratylus, the signifier and signified
The Opposition gaming and serious
The dialectic Platonic
The quest for truth

To receive the document, follow the link:

Links analyzes, reviews, essays, fixed tray philosophy

Studies on the theme of philosophy

Quotes and definitions
Quotes theme Philosophy
Definitions in philosophy
http://bacphilo.blogspot. com/2010/04/lexique-de-definitions-en-philosophie.html

Program Philosophy Program Philosophy

Greek philosophical concepts
Greek philosophical concepts

Sophists Sophists and philosophers and philosophers . html

philosophical articles

type tray exercises; issues
Issues in philosophy, training

Socratic philosophy
Socratic irony, the maieutic
The Socratic method
http://corrigesdubac.blogspot .com/2010/02/la-philosophie-la-methode-socratique.html
Dialectic, Philosophy and Socratic Method la.html
The concept of philosophy, the Socratic orientation
Socratic legacy

Videos Two videos on the myth of the cave myth-of-the-cave-vt455.html

Definition of philosophy
The concept of philosophy, its definition philosophy-of-its-definition.html
Introduction to Philosophy General

The origin of philosophy and philosophy
the question of its origin

Reflections and essays
Can you blame philosophy to be useless?
A knowledge of life is Possible? Problems in Philosophy
Man can you avoid the war?
Man is he a wolf to man?
Man there a special place in nature ? T'
Are there any legitimate violence?
Man can he save himself ?

Latest comments philosophy

"I think therefore I am", Descartes
Descartes, Studies Meditations II

Rhetoric and dialectic in the Gorgias and the Phaedrus

The Métis Greek
The concepts in Greek literature and philosophy: the Métis Greek or the wiles of intelligence

The philosophy of Nietzsche in the Gay Science

Thursday, January 20, 2011

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Bramson's Yellow Cabs - 1922

Advertisements appeared in the "Canadian Jewish Chronicle in March and April 1922.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

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Taxi Metropole - Early 1960s

Two images from the edge of the NFB " The Memory of Angels ".

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The language in the Cratylus of Plato, the Platonic logos

The Cratylus, study of language, the logos

The Platonic logos
Definition and analysis in the Cratylus

Sequence culture, language

The answer is two pages word Police 14, includes an introduction to the Platonic logos in the Cratylus, a problematization and questions reformulated development in two separate paragraphs on the issue of the logos in the dialogue, definition and analysis: the problem of Cratylus and accuracy of words.

Extract from the study:

. This is the next problem, the conformity of words and things. Under what conditions is it possible to put a word on something? That is the question of the dialogue ...

Plan Analysis:


Questions reformulated
Listing Plan


The language in the Cratylus
The logos in Plato, the problem of Cratylus
The accuracy of the words

To receive the document, follow the link:
study of language in the Cratylus Plato

Essays in Philosophy
Man can you avoid the war?
Man is he a wolf to man?
Man there a special place in nature ?
t'Are there any legitimate violence?
Man can save himself itself?

bac themes of philosophy, culture

culture, language
how to design the relationship between power and function of words?

The reason and the real
Hermeneutics The problem of hermeneutics in philosophy
philosophies of nature, a matter of epistemology, the scientific attitude is a winning history, it is not natural to man
functions of reason, a requirement of rationality

The subject
Definition and characteristics of perception in Merleau Ponty

Reviews Philosophy
"I think therefore I am", Descartes

The encyclopedia article on the political authority, Diderot

Nietzsche's philosophy of Nietzsche in the Gay Science

Montesquieu Spirit of Laws, Montesquieu, the corruption of the principle of democracy, Book VIII, Chapter II

Rhetoric and dialectic in the Gorgias and Phaedra

various thematic studies

Eternal Recurrence, circularity, harmony

Concept of The One, The interiority, philosophical approach
Plotinus Plotinus the Enneads, the concept of 'A' philosophical approach
The soul as a mediator of the One Universal

Essential Concepts Greek philosophy
Logos on the physis the Metis, the polis, the kairos

The individual the substance and freedom
Individual and substance, a concept inherent freedom

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The renewal of the world, the eternal return year after the great Aristotle, the Stoics

The big year after Aristotle, the Stoics

The idea of a renewal of the world's eternal return

The answer is two page word font 14, it includes an introduction, a development in five parts, respectively the original question, the great year after Aristotle the Stoics, the renewal of the world and the idea of eternal return. Several answers are made relative to a prior problem.

Extract from the study:

Antiquity conceives the life in two ways:

Eternity is the life of this does not change. The
life applies only to what is periodic, it is a journey, a cycle ....

Map comment:


Reminder question: the great Aristotle
year by year according to the great Stoics
Listing Plan


World Issues Response Elements

The eternal return
Parmenides : Conclusion

To get the answer, follow the link:

The Great Year after Aristotle, the Stoics

various Thematic Studies

Eternal Recurrence, circularity, harmony

Harmony in Empedocles circularity

The concept of The One, The interiority, philosophical approach
Plotinus the Enneads, the concept of 'A' philosophical approach
The soul as a mediator of the One Universal
The principle soul and intelligence, a nature. How can it be if A does not participate to be? Plotinus the Enneads
hypostases comparative study of Plotinus and assumptions of Parmenides Plato

Essential Concepts Greek philosophy
Logos on the physis, the mestizos, the polis, the kairos metis-the-la.html
The logos in Greek philosophy
The Greek logos
Concepts reported to the logos: Value and Reason -in-the-Greek-in-philosophie_21.html
The reason the question of the origin, the logos basis-of-the-raison.html

The individual, the substance and freedom
Individual and substance, a concept inherent freedom html

The various philosophical schools and
Heraclitus, Pythagoras and Epicurus
philosophical currents and their representatives, skepticism and stoicism

How To Make Novelty Cakes

The future contingents, Aristotle, the Stoics, Megarian

The question of freedom in God
Future contingents
Aristotelian Aristotle, the Stoics, the Megarian

The answer is two pages word police 14 , includes an introduction, a development into three parts to the question of future contingencies and the fate of Aristotle, the Stoics and Megara. There is an extension of the question on the concept of freedom in God.

Extract from the study:

. God could therefore be that Judas do not betray Christ, as Peter did not deny Christ. But once the event has taken place, God can not undo ....

Map comment:


position of the subject and the question
Listing Plan
Enlargement of the question


The concept of fate in Stoics
Extension problems: the Megarian
Example of the naval battle
Future contingents
Freedom in God

To you get the answer, follow the link:

Future contingents, the question of freedom in God

The latest documents in philosophy
Essays in Philosophy

Man can you avoid the war?
Man He is a wolf to man?
Man there a special place in nature ?
t'Are there any legitimate violence?
Man can he save himself ?

bac themes of philosophy, culture

culture, language
how to design the relationship between power and function of words?

The reason and the real
hermeneutics, the problem of hermeneutics in philosophy
philosophies of nature, a matter of epistemology, the scientific attitude is a triumph of history, it is not natural to man
functions of reason, a requirement of rationality
The subject

Definition and characteristics of perception in Merleau Ponty

Reviews Philosophy

Descartes "I think therefore I am", Descartes

Diderot Encyclopaedia, article on political authority, Diderot

philosophy of Nietzsche in the Gay Science

The Spirit of Laws, Montesquieu, the corruption of the principle of democracy, Book VIII, Chapter II livre.html

Rhetoric and dialectic in the Gorgias and the Phaedrus

various thematic studies

Eternal Recurrence, circularity, harmony
Philolaus html

The concept of The One, The interiority, philosophical approach

Plotinus Plotinus the Enneads, the concept of 'A' philosophical approach / 2010/11/plotin-les-enneades-le-concept-de-lun.html
The soul as a mediator of the One Universal Plotinus Enneads-les-or-lintellect lame.html

Essential Concepts Greek philosophy
Logos on the physis, the mestizos, the polis kairos / 2010/11/le-logos-sur-la-phusis-la-metis-la.html

The individual, the substance and freedom
Individual and substance, a concept inherent freedom la substance.html