Monday, February 14, 2011

Glenlivet 12 Whisky Mixers Drink

Gotfredson 1925 - A Canadian

Gotfredson In 1925, a small manufacturer Canadian based in Walkerville (city named in honor of Hiram Walker Canadian Club Whisky manufacturer and now annexed to Windsor, Ontario), better known for its production of trucks, Canada will honor the memory with a stamp reproducing one their model in a series of historic vehicles, also produced an unknown number of taxis. The bodywork of the cars came from Canadian Top & Body Ltd Tilbury, Ontario, a company who later assembled the Hudson and Essex for the Canadian market and overseas
Taxi, built on a wheelbase of 111 inches , welcomed 5 passengers plus the driver. Three out the back seat and two others on their facing jump seats. Price: $ 3,500 in 1925.


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