Monday, February 21, 2011

How Long Does It Take For Flagyl To Take Effect

Post Waiting Missing

The photo shows the waiting station at the corner of Diamond Henri-Bourassa and Durham in 1976. The sign has since disappeared and the place is now occupied by the short-term parking of Henri-Bourassa.

A remnant of the taxi sign Veteran remains to where they had their post near the station of Montreal West.

corner Cote St. Luc Girouard and the sign blank Diamond announced a position that has long been worked through a similar phone to the next photo.

St-Urbain and Ste-Catherine - Diamond position since at least 1928, disappeared 1995 with the expansion of TNM.


Most taxi associations have for many years occupied private lands like these. Some were rented, but many belonged to associations. At the beginning of last century there were few or no jobs waiting public. Large companies as Bramson, Diamond, and later Lasalle and others have therefore bought plots of land around the city in order to serve their customers.
Most of these positions have been waiting for phone-equipped plant which communicated with the drivers. Even long after the use of radios in cars will be widespread, waiting berths equipped phones have continued to exist. Diamond is the latest company to have used, until the early 2000's.
I have known several drivers who were using exclusively this kind of job waiting. They had not need to invest in buying a radio, still had access to the calls of the plant, and avoided being robbed (yes, it happens) the client by an idiot brother who meant a better position to address radio.
companies got rid of these lands because they had lost their usefulness at the beginning, the city has placed in positions common on the streets everywhere. Also, land has appreciated in value over the years and taxes rose.

Some old posts waiting since changed their vocation. Their location is easy to guess because the buildings built in their place are always much more modern than those in the neighborhood.


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